Who would attempt to fly with
the tiny wings of the sparrow
when the mighty power of the
eagle has been given to him?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


coincidence is a small miracle in which God chooses to remain anonymous.

 I became friends with Marybeth when our now 21 year olds were 10 and in the same fifth grade class. We became fast friends and although distance keeps us apart for most of the year she and her family have remained some of our favorite people to this day and I always love when we are able to get together.

Marybeth was my first real reintroduction to serious physical fitness since high school team sports. She is a personal trainer and group class aerobics instructor and when my kids were little my big night out would be to go to Marybeth’s class and grab a salad (and a margarita!) afterwards with girls from the class. My love of fitness grew from Marybeth’s dedication, enthusiasm and talent for inspiring others and a few years later I became a yoga instructor myself and found a love for helping people and teaching people all because of those aerobics classes! Marybeth and I were out for dinner over a year ago when we started brain storming about different things we could do together. Combine her amazing talents for aerobic physical fitness and my knowledge of Yoga and meditation and maybe we could put together the greatest ladies night out ever! (Maybe we would even end it with a margarita? Who knows!)? Its always exciting and fun when you get that back and forth going with a like minded person. Just a little reminder that possibilities are still endless and its never to late to live the dream!!

I think of her often and did so again when I read Crush it! (See past blog) I thought not only would she love it but her son who just graduated from college would as well. (Being someone who would appreciate the message the book sent to young entrepreneurial types.) But like people do, I tucked it away and sort of forgot to tell her about it. (Not listening to my instincts! Not looking for the miracles!) 

So my phone rings today and it says its Marybeth calling! I answered and she said, ‘Is this Jen Smith?’ ha ha! No its Jen Kessenich. And we laughed because she called me “accidentally”. I told her about the Crush it! Book I had been meaning to tell her about and she said “That’s so funny because I was calling Jen Smith to tell her how much I am loving her book, ‘How to Launch Your Rocket’.” She told me an inspiring story about a mutual friend of ours that I have known since elementary school who went from stay at home mom to millionaire in two years all from following her passion. She is now sharing her story in a book. Hmmmm. Sounds good to me! I reconnected with Jen myself two years ago when again, my friend Marybeth got me into this nutritional cleansing system, Isagenix that she was introduced to by Jen Smith. So I listened and I liked it and got involved and my family and I still use Isagenix to this day.
All of these coincidences swirling around.  We ended the conversation with the brainstorming back and forth we started over a year ago. Except suddenly our ideas don’t seem like fantasies but things we can grasp and hold onto and make a reality.

I think today was just reconfirming what I already know. There are great things awaiting me right around the corner but I have to go and get them! That is true for all of us! Little miracles falling right into our hands everyday. Open your hearts and your eyes and see what life has in store for you. I will bet if you choose to look at something from a different view, something you see everyday can change your life. There are no coincidences, just miracles. Don’t be afraid to go out and grab it. We are all destined for greatness if we want it. 

My story could be, 'I grew up in Hampton Bays, my parents made me get a summer job in Westhampton when I was in high school, I met my future husband that summer, I married young and had four children'. OR, I could look at it like this, If I didn't go to Hampton Bays elementary school I would never have met Jen Smith. If I didn't get that summer job I would never have met my husband. If I never met my husband, my children, who are the greatest miracle of my life, wouldn't be born. If my daughter got a different teacher maybe I never would have been friends with Marybeth. Thus, all changing the course my life took. But all of these things did happen. MIRACULOUSLY!  OK, I'm listening!!

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